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2025 ICDS Awards

Awards recipients will receive a certificate and prize, aimed at recognizing and motivating presenters, special session organizers, and committee members for their high-quality contributions to the conference's success. We hope these awards inspire ongoing excellence and set an example for others.

Best Paper Award
  • Eligible candidates should be authors of ICDS 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • 1. Open to all participants, including both academic and industry professionals.                                                                      2. The selection of the best paper will be based on the paper's exceptional technical innovation, originality, and its potential impact on the relevant field.                                                                                                                                              3. One winner will be selected by the conference committee.

Best Student Paper Award
  • Eligible candidates should be authors of ICDS 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • 1. For university students only, who are the first author of the registered paper. 
    2. Selection of the best papers is based on the papers’ technical innovation, originality and potential impact on the field, clarity of written paper.
    3. One winner will be selected by the conference committee.

Best Oral Presentation Award
  • Eligible candidates should be authors of ICDS 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • 1. One winner will be selected by the session chairs in each oral session.
    2. The presentation demonstrates originality, applicability, technical merit, PPT quality and English level.

Best Student Oral Presentation Award
  • Eligible candidates should be authors of ICDS 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • 1. For university students only, who are the first author of the registered paper. 
    2. One winner will be selected by the session chairs in each oral session.                                                                            3. The presentation demonstrates originality, applicability, technical merit, PPT quality and English level.

Best Poster Award
  • Eligible candidates should be authors of ICDS 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • 1. One winner will be selected by the session chairs.
    2. The poster session chairs evaluate all posters on their design, clarity of the presentation and their scientific content.

Best Student Poster Award
  • Eligible candidates should be authors of ICDS 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • 1. For university students only, who are the first author of the registered paper. 
    2. One winner will be selected by the session chairs.                                                                                                              3. The poster session chairs evaluate all posters on their design, clarity of the presentation and their scientific content.

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